September 22, 2012

African Braid Shops, Bad Business?

Did you all know that in Killeen braid shops are popping up everywhere in town?  That's fine, the problem is, in many of these shops they are getting over not just by ripping customers hair out but also  because the only licensed operators are the owners.  I just found out by a reliable source that they have their family members which are not licensed and do not even have papers to work in this country, assisting in helping to service customers, which in the state of Texas is a big no no!You must have a valid braiding license to touch anyone's hair in a place of business according to Texas law.  We have a right to defend our selves speak up and tell them "You don't have to braid my damn hair so tight!".  Now, when I see ladies that have been victimized by the African braid shops, it then becomes my business.  I have to be the bearer of the bad news and tell them that the damage is permanent or will take a long time to grow back.   It's kind of similar to those people seeking out someone to enlarge their butts only to end of very ill and even dying because the person in operation injected these desperate people (they all were not women) with FIX A FLAT and sealed wound with CRAZY GLUE!! I CAN NOT stress enough that if they are braiding your hair and it is hurting to the point that you wanna crying (because if you're crying it's too late)YOU need to tell them to STOP!!  Because I'm going to tell you this- it is only going to get worst.  Look at the photo below- beautiful huh? NOT!!  The good part is you can sue them and win! But the bad part is we never take that kind of action, but live with the consequences and give them the opportunity to do the same to someone else.  In my opinion- I can't let someone in my hair that can't stand where I'm from. Im just saying That is just crazy! Are we that desperate in Killeen.  Where I'm from we don't even go to Africans,( I learn my skills from my aunty in the hood) I mean really does it mean that much to us to get our hair done to only end up bald at the top and all around our edges?

Is this attractive to you?

Why would you pay someone to do this to you?

Why would we pay someone to do this to our hair?  the main cause of traction alopecia is too much tension on the scalp cause by the operator.  So tension is the main cuprit.  It upsets me that we let it go this far.  I know we have many responsibilities that sometime we are to busy to worry about our hair.  But to neglect it?  I am so appalled at the audacity these shops have, to continue to ignore the many complaints of their customers.  We have to take control and stay in control, have better self image, better self esteem, know that our hair is apart of us and to respect it!  Our hair very is delicate and we have to be gentle with it:-)

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